Integrative Systems Computational Biology Group


List of publications


  1. J. Struct. Biol.
    Unusual commonality in active site structural features of substrate promiscuous and specialist enzymes
    D. Thakur, and S.B. Pandit
    Journal of Structural Biology 2022
  2. Front. Microbiol.
    Curcumin Inhibits Membrane-Damaging Pore-Forming Function of the β-Barrel Pore-Forming Toxin Vibrio cholerae Cytolysin
    M. Singh, N. Rupesh, S.B. Pandit, and 1 more author
    Frontiers in Microbiology 2022


  1. ACS Bio. Sci. Eng.
    Optimal Protein Sequence Design Mitigates Mechanical Failure in Silk β-Sheet Nanocrystals
    P. Verma, B. Panda, K.P. Singh, and 1 more author
    ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 2021
  2. Mol. Microbiol.
    Tyrosine in the hinge region of the pore-forming motif regulates oligomeric β-barrel pore formation by Vibrio cholerae cytolysin
    A.K. Mondal, P. Verma, N. Sengupta, and 3 more authors
    Molecular Microbiology 2021


  1. BMB Educ.
    An inquiry-based approach in large undergraduate labs: Learning, by htmlng it the “wrong” way
    A.K. Bachhawat, S.B. Pandit, I. Banerjee, and 4 more authors
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 2020


  1. PLoS ONE
    Unraveling the structural landscape of intra-chain domain interfaces: Implication in the evolution of domain-domain interactions
    R. Verma, and S.B. Pandit
    PLoS ONE 2019


  1. BMC Bioinform.
    CSmetaPred: A consensus method for prediction of catalytic residues
    P. Choudhary, S. Kumar, A.K. Bachhawat, and 1 more author
    BMC Bioinformatics 2017
  2. Biochem. J.
    Disulphide bond restrains the C-terminal region of thermostable direct hemolysin during folding to promote oligomerization
    N. Kundu, S. Tichkule, S.B. Pandit, and 1 more author
    Biochemical Journal 2017


  1. Nucleic Acids Res.
    XTMS: Pathway design in an eXTended metabolic space
    P. Carbonell, P. Parutto, J. Herisson, and 2 more authors
    Nucleic Acids Research 2014
  2. Mol. Biosyst.
    Evolutionarily conserved and conformationally constrained short peptides might serve as DNA recognition elements in intrinsically disordered regions
    N. Tayal, P. Choudhary, S.B. Pandit, and 1 more author
    Molecular BioSystems 2014


  1. BMC Syst. Biol.
    Enumerating metabolic pathways for the production of heterologous target chemicals in chassis organisms
    P. Carbonell, D. Fichera, S.B. Pandit, and 1 more author
    BMC Systems Biology 2012



    1. Proteins
      TASSER_low-zsc: An approach to improve structure prediction using low z-score-ranked templates
      S.B. Pandit, and J. Skolnick
      Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 2010
    2. Bioinformatics
      PSiFR: An integrated resource for prediction of protein structure and function
      S.B. Pandit, M. Brylinski, H. Zhou, and 3 more authors
      Bioinformatics 2010
    3. BOOK
      [Book Chap.] Tasser-Based Protein Structure Prediction
      Shashi Bhushan Pandit, Hongyi Zhou, and Jeffrey Skolnick


    1. BOOK
      [Book Chap.] Dynamics of protein-protein interaction network in plasmodium falciparum
      S. Mohanty, S.B. Pandit, and N. Srinivasan
    2. Proteins
      Performance of the Pro-sp3-TASSER server in CASPB
      H. Zhou, S.B. Pandit, and J. Skolnick
      Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 2009


    1. BMC Bioinform.
      Fr-TM-align: A new protein structural alignment method based on fragment alignments and the TM-score
      S.B. Pandit, and J. Skolnick
      BMC Bioinformatics 2008


    1. Proteins
      Analysis of TASSER-based CASP7 protein structure prediction results
      H. Zhou, S.B. Pandit, Y.L. Seung, and 4 more authors
      Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics 2007
    2. Biochemistry
      Phosphoprotein and phosphopeptide interactions with the FHA domain from arabidopsis kinase-associated protein phosphatase
      Z. Ding, H. Wang, X. Liang, and 6 more authors
      Biochemistry 2007


    1. Biophys. J.
      TASSER-lite: An automated tool for protein comparative modeling
      S.B. Pandit, Y. Zhang, and J. Skolnick
      Biophysical Journal 2006


    1. In Silico Biol.
      A new domain family in the superfamily of alkaline phosphatases
      R. Bhadra, N. Srinivasan, and S.B. Pandit
      In Silico Biology 2005
    2. Nucleic Acids Res.
      PRODOC: A resource for the comparison of tethered protein domain architectures with in-built information on remotely related domain families
      O. Krishnadev, N. Rekha, S.B. Pandit, and 5 more authors
      Nucleic Acids Research 2005


    1. In Silico Biol.
      Recognition of remotely related structural homologues using sequence profiles of aligned homologous protein structures
      S. Namboori, N. Srinivasan, and S.B. Pandit
      In Silico Biology 2004
    2. In Silico Biol.
      Identification and analysis of a new family of bacterial serine proteinases
      S.B. Pandit, and N. Srinivasan
      In Silico Biology 2004
    3. IUBMB Life
      Structural and functional characterization of gene products encoded in the human genome by homology detection
      S.B. Pandit, S. Balaji, and N. Srinivasan
      IUBMB Life 2004
    4. BMC Bioinform.
      SUPFAM: A database of sequence superfamilies of protein domains
      S.B. Pandit, R. Bhadra, V.S. Gowri, and 3 more authors
      BMC Bioinformatics 2004
    5. J. Biosci.
      Enhanced functional and structural domain assignments using remote similarity detection procedures for proteins encoded in the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv
      S. Namboori, N. Mhatre, S. Sujatha, and 2 more authors
      Journal of Biosciences 2004


    1. Proteins
      Survey for G-proteins in the prokaryotic genomes: Prediction of functional roles based on classification
      S.B. Pandit, and N. Srinivasan
      Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics 2003
    2. Nucleic Acids Res.
      Integration of related sequences with protein three-dimensional structural families in an updated version of PALI database
      V.S. Gowri, S.B. Pandit, P.S. Karthik, and 2 more authors
      Nucleic Acids Research 2003


    1. Nucleic Acids Res.
      SUPFAM - A database of potential protein superfamily relationships derived by comparing sequence-based and structure-based families: Implications for structural genomics and function annotation in genomes
      S.B. Pandit, D. Gosar, S. Abhiman, and 5 more authors
      Nucleic Acids Research 2002
    2. Protein Eng.
      Proteomics analysis of carbon-starved Mycobacterium smegmatis: Induction of Dps-like protein
      S. Gupta, S.B. Pandit, N. Srinivasan, and 1 more author
      Protein Engineering 2002